We’re big fans of ApprovalMax as a tool to build efficiency through automation and approval workflows. It helps businesses of all shapes and sizes to liberate themselves from manual, time-consuming approval processes. We have implemented ApprovalMax for several clients, and it’s positively impacted their business; staff engagement has increased, productivity has improved, and efficiency has meant more time to focus on other areas of the business.
Here are some of our favourite tips, tricks, and new features from ApprovalMax:
Benefiting from an auto-approval step
Businesses deal with various purchase orders and invoices, like stationery or monthly utility payments to one-time high-value orders from a new vendor. When there are lots of expenses of different types, it makes little sense to manually approve regular or minor payments. No matter how easy approvals with our mobile app are, approvers would still need time to view all the invoices.
The Auto-approval feature saves approvers time and helps them focus on what’s important. All documents that meet the conditions you specify in the auto-approval step will be authorised automatically and not assigned to anyone. There is a one-off upfront investment of time to set up the configuration. For each rule, you can specify the amount, supplier, requester, category or account, region or location, and other parameters to define when requests are to get auto-approved. If you need help getting this done, please ask us.
Accessing audit reports and scheduled reports
You can download multiple audit reports in a single archive, which is helpful when preparing a document package for bulk payment approvals or audit purposes.
Sometimes old habits die hard, so instead of generating a report manually, you can schedule the creation of regular reports and specify who’s to get them – they will find it in their inbox right on time.
Copying rules
There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Setting up an approval workflow and adding new approvers or requesters is much faster when you copy the approval rules from one user to another. You can copy rules between requesters, approvers or reviewers within the same approval step and matrix. However, this action is only available to the organisation’s administrator, but it’s well worth the collaboration when you’re setting up new approvals.
More than just an email
The ApprovalMax notifications are more than just a note; approvers can use these emails to approve or reject documents and leave comments. The email notifications contain all document details and the “Approve” and “Reject” buttons – no need to open the web app to make your decision. If you want to add a comment, just hit “Reply” and type your message. Then click “Send” as if you were replying to a regular email message. Your comment will be added to the request in ApprovalMax and visible to other users.
If you’re not yet using ApprovalMax and would like to know more, please contact us, and we can talk you through all the benefits.
Let’s talk if you’re using ApprovalMax but not convinced it’s being used to its full potential.
Happy Approving!